Mittwoch, 30. November 2011



Chistmas decoration  

                                                                   Tree planting

                                                               Christmas cookies

                                                                   Mini Pavlova

Mittwoch, 23. November 2011

Cissy Bay

Last weekend was the wedding annivesary of Sam & Chris. So from friday to sunday we were at Cissy Bay. We stayed in a little bach and went out on the boad. It was a really nice weekend! We saw dolphins again and I discovered that I can take panorama pictures with my camera.:D

Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Robin Hood Bay - Whites Bay

I am back... again:D

Hello everybody!

Well, here I am again.:D
A lot of things happened in the last weeks.

We were biscuiting. That is a lot of fun!!! And I fell in the water:D
And then we saw dolphins! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:) That was sooooooooooooo AWESOME! They were just so graceful and ahhh.. just amazing! There were about 15 of them. I could have gone swimming with them but I didn't.. I don't know why...

I already had my last actual school day. Yeah! All the other gils in year 11, 12 and 13 are doing NCEA at the moment. I am doing a programm with the other exchange students. I'll start tomorrow. Well, actually it starts last friday, kind of. I went to a primary school and helped the teacher and all the little children were asking me questions. Like: "What kind of clothes do you wear in German?" And about food and stuff. :)

On saturday there was a big firework in Blenheim. We had dinner with some friends and went up a little hill to watch the fireworks. That was a nice moment. It felt like new year to me. :)

On sunday we went to Whites Bay and then to Robin Hood Bay. At Robin Hood Bay we went boogie boarding and diving. It was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!!! Well,m I was wearing my wetsuit bit this is a short one. So my legs and my arms where quite cold. But it was really fun!!!

Yesterday I skyped with my family because it was Mamas birthday. It was great to see them again!:)

So, everything is good here! I really enjoy it to be here and it's just AWESOME!!! :)

It's getting warmer and warmer and I already have a tainline from my shorts and the sun. :D But I wasn't sunburned yet!:D

All right. Pictures will follow.

See you all soon!

PS: Today 4 month ago I arrived in New Zealand.:)