Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011


Yesterday Beth and I went to a party. There were two main actors of 'Boy'. 'Boy' is famous here in New Zealand. Everybody knows the movie. And I met James Rolleston, who played Boy and RickyLee Waipuka-Russell she played Chardonnay. I talked to them, got pictures, autographs and a hug from James Rolleston (well, it was quite awkward 'cause he is two years younger than me:D). But it was soooooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

422m Mt Vernon - Wither Hills

I was able to see a bit of the North Island. Awesome!!!

Pine Valley

Fishing - Marlborough Sounds

I am back! :)

All right. I couldn't find any time to write on here in the last days. Sorry! But now I am back :D So.. I am very good! At the moment I have holidays for two weeks. Sometimes it's quite boring, because all my friends are studying for NCEA. So they don't have relly time to do anything. But I've done some things with my host family. We went to Pine Valley, fishing, and I went up to the top of Mt Vernon, Wither Hills. I'll put some picures on here... See you all soon, Aileen:)

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011

Australia vs. Russia

Gestren ware ich beim Rugby game Australia vs. Russia in Nelson. Es war einfach nur gut! Zwar war das Wetter nicht gerade granate aber naja.  Es war toll ein Rugby game live zu sehen, die ganzen Sachen die man sonst nur im TV sieht vor den eigenen Augen. Wie sich alle gegenseitig umrennen. Hach.... das war einfach nur total gut! :)
Wir waren für Russia. Denn in Neulseeland ist man für zwei Teams: Für Neuseeland oder das Team, das gegen Australien spielt. :D
Einmal meinte ein Australier: "Aussi, Aussi, Aussi, Oy, Oy, Oy!" Und dann ein Neuseeländer: " Go back home!" Und solch Zeugs...
Aber ich habe ein Foto mit dem Australischen Rugby Coach.:D